CAETA Sponsors

End-of-Life Education Sponsors

Our sponors align with the mission and vision of CAETA to work towards the improvement of companion animal euthanasia and ensure animals have a peaceful passing and excellent end-of-life care.


Lap of Love Veterinary Hospice

Network of veterinarians around the United States providing veterinary hospice and in-home euthanasia.
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Vortech Pharmaceuticals

As the original developers of Fatal-Plus, Vortech takes seriously its commitment to humane animal euthanasia.
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Gateway Services

We work with you to ensure you have the tools and resources to provide your customers with the best pet aftercare possible.
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NVA Canada

Community of animal hospitals and pet resorts including general, specialty + emergency, and equine hospitals.
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Virox Technologies

Manufacturer of specially formulated disinfectants catering to the needs of companion and farm animal industries.
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EUTHABAG is a pet body bag that is easily customizable with paint, markers, acrylic paint and even pens.
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Develops, manufactures, and sells high-quality products exclusively for veterinarians worldwide.
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Customize your CAETA Sponsorship

Speaking Engagements/Trainings

CAETA often hosts educational webinars that offer CE. Additionally hosting live events, trainings and labs. Our instructors also often attend conferences and a variety of speaking engagements with large attendance.

Veterinary Schools

CAETA partners with veterinary schools to provide training courses and labs that formally teach peaceful euthanasia practices.

Animal Hospitals/Veterinary Clinics

CAETA offers a Peaceful End-of-Life Practice Certification program for animal hospitals and veterinary clinics to certify individual members of their staff as well as their practice as a whole. The practice will then be recognized in the industry as providing a higher standard of end-of-life care.

Want to Learn More About Becoming a CAETA Sponsor?

75% of veterinary students graduate without ever having performed a euthanasia.

Today’s Veterinary Practice,
Jan/Feb 2016 issue