Pet Quality-of-Life Scales in Euthanasia Decision-Making

I have always approached euthanasia decision-making as finding the path of least regret.  Choosing euthanasia is hard. What REALLY prepares someone to elect euthanasia for a beloved friend?  The physical and emotional condition of the pet, the burden of care for owners and their own emotional health all tend to play a role in when…

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Pointers on Controlled Substances

I’ve written before about how confusing controlled substance ordering and handling can be.  It takes a village to sort through all the rules and regs to play the game correctly and keep the overseers satisfied. In the United States (US), veterinarians can be licensed to obtain controlled substances (drugs) through the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). …

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Why I’m a Fan of Euthabag

Not all body bags are created equal, and indeed there are numerous types out there. Those looking for quality prefer bags/containers that are durable, leak proof, and above all respectful to the precious animal within.  This respect is what changes your typical cadaver bag into a sacred ‘pet transport device’.  Euthabag, a CAETA sponsor partner…

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CAETA Euthanasia Research 2022; Creating new directions

It’s easy to take the “If it’s not broke, don’t fix it” approach to euthanasia work. Many practitioners feel comfortable with what they’ve been doing for years, and as long as the patient has a peaceful passing, it seems reasonable to leave well enough alone.  Companion animal euthanasia is emotional work, and let’s face it,…

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Euthanasia Drugs; Administration rates matter

If euthanasia becomes necessary to relieve suffering, it should be handled with respect and skill. The speed at which euthanasia solution is administered effects two main things; potential pain and active signs of death. For the most part, veterinarians are taught to inject quickly but it turns out this is only correct part of the…

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Stress + Symptoms = Euthanasia?

The effects of stress on both animals and humans has been well documented, showing how stress can weaken the immune system, trigger the onset of cancer, increase inflammation, upset the gastrointestinal tract, and leave the body in a general poor state of health. It can look like the end of days for many pets, especially…

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